Wednesday, 23 July 2008

I have had a good day today, i went to slimming world and i lost 1.5lbs which i am pleased with considering! And then i went over to my friends house for a catch up and lunch!
'A' has used the potty today so thats a great result (i know shes 3, but we will get there!) and 'H' is trying to copy - so may as well do them at the same time!
It has been a hectic day, and only now can i go and put my feet up for a hour or before bed, then it all starts again.....hey ho! Bye for now x.


Zoe said...

Great shot - loved the whale yesterday even if you didn't take it. Would love to go whale watching if only I didn't get so flippin' sea sick :(

Good on A, give her a kiss from me! and H obviously :) L lost another tooth yesterday and the fairies had left money behind the fairy door in Gran's garden too!! Honestlt what's she like - Mum that is.

Well done at Slimmin world (not too much mind - lookin fab anyway)

Diana said...

I can almost taste and smell that! Great news on the weight loss and the potty training.
Love Di X